Turkish Mining Expertise: Tete Mining boasts extensive experience in Turkish mine exploration and development, having operated numerous copper, zinc, and lead projects since 1991.
Focus on Base Metals: Our exploration strategy in Turkey aligns with our global focus on essential base metals like copper, zinc-lead, and chromite.
Past Production Highlights: While some mines have reached depletion, Tete Mining's past operations in Turkey include:

Amasya Cu-Zn-Pb Mine (1991-1992)
Ergani Cu Mine (Open Pit, 1995-2005)
Yomra-Zerbenos Cu-Zn-Pb Deposit (2001-2005)

Strategic Exploration: Tete Mining continues to identify promising areas in Turkey, as evidenced by feasibility studies conducted for mines in locations like Çüngüş (Diyarbakır), Afşin, and Canakkale.

The management and staff have years of experience in this field and currently we are one of the major producer of lead-zinc and copper minerals in Turkey.  

Our current focus of exploration is principally in Balkans Region (Albania,Kosovo,Makedonia), Turkey and Central Asia with smaller programs in other highly prospective areas, on basic metal minerals: copper, zinc-lead and chromite.

Copper deposit in Turkey, Tete Company's exploration group has operated  copper mines from 1991 and until it ceased operations in 2005 after the deposit was depleted.

Amasya Cu & Zn & Pb  (U/G) operated mine 1991-1992
Ergani Cu (OP) operated mine 1995-2005
Trabzon  Yomra Cu (U/G) operated mine 2001-2005
Zerbenos Cu & Zn & Pb  U/G) operated mine 2001-2005
Afşin Cu & Zn & Pb  U/G) 2002-2004
Artvin seyidler Cu (U/G) operated mine 2003
Diyarbakır çüngüş Cu feasibility study  & operated mine 2002-2004
Canakkale Cu & Zn & Pb & Au feasibility study  2007
Zara, imranlı Sivas  Cu & Zn & Pb feasibility study  2007
Sivas yıldızeli Cu & Zn & Pb feasibility study  2007

TURKEY Leading Producer of Lead-Zinc and Copper in Turkey | Tete Mining - Expert in Copper, Zinc, Lead, and Chromite TETE MINING,Tete Mining, Turkish mining, lead-zinc production, copper production, zinc mining, lead mining, chromite mining, Balkans exploration, Turkey mining projects, Central Asia exploration, Amasya copper mine, Ergani copper mine, Trabzon copper mine, Yomra copper mine, Zerbenos mine, Afşin mine, Artvin mine, Diyarbakır mine, Canakkale feasibility study, Sivas feasibility study, mining expertise. TETE MINING With years of experience, Tete Mining is a major producer of lead-zinc and copper minerals in Turkey. Our exploration focus spans the Balkans, Turkey, and Central Asia, specializing in copper, zinc-lead, and chromite. Discover our key projects, including copper deposits in Amasya, Ergani, Trabzon, and more.